“Flow” Your Event Leads – crmtherightway

Given the scenarios we are often asked by customers (Leads) on how to import it is to quickly to get their Event, Promotional Sales Stands leads into Dynamics 365 or Salesforce. it would be best to have a mobile device such as tablets at event to allow to capture the Leads directly into your CRM […]

Source: “Flow” Your Event Leads – crmtherightway

Decisions Decisions !!!

Hi I am Diogo and I have decided to quit a secure job and change…

I have made the decision to let go of a corporate job as CRM Manager and embark on my quest to make my living from being CRM Consultant full time, of course that is not an easy decision but it is the right one for me.

After dedicating time, money and effort on gaining my Salesforce certifications and joining the corporate world to lose them over time, my Technological passion pushed me to the decision to leave that employment with the support of my beautiful wife who said “I only want your happiness first”.

It was really not working out, I have this preference (most people have) for collaborative and fun environment which first learnt while at Apple Retails. (I love Apple by the way and yes I am a  Fan boy :P).

So after a few months of little stress and loads of weight gain I finally had an offer to move into Consulting and actually develop CRM Platforms with my new employer Sirocco (More on that at a later post), this blog will be my way to document my learning, teaching, failures and successes while I built up my career & expertise fuelled now full with technology, Data and Innovation Uhuuuuuuu, at same time I plan on sharing all I learn technically and non technical with anyone passing by here :).

1st & Current Challenge

Salesforce Certification

In the next few weeks I plan to re-take my Salesforce Certifications for Administrator & Another which I am yet to decide as I want to get the one i would benefit the most now, my Microsoft MB2-715 Dynamics 365 Certification is on the bag, Will share my study guides & plan soon.

Salesforce MVPs

Here is a great post from the god in Salesforce wold

David LiuThe Definitive Salesforce Careers Guide

Dynamics 365 MVP

Here is great post from Neil 

Well, this is it and I will be sure to post something in the next few days!!